Home > PARTICIPATE > Education Department > Lesson Plans > GRADES 3-5 READING SARAH PLAIN AND TALL


Kansas' Largest Classroom Lesson Plans
Kansas State Fair

Level: Elementary School, Grades 3-5

Topic: Reading

Objectives: Develop reading comprehension skills
Gain knowledge of Kansas History
Develop ability to make a chart from information

Materials: Book: Sarah, Plain & Tall; Skylark

Before the Fair
1. In the weeks before visiting the Fairgrounds, assign students reading material by reading level and/or interest.
2. Discussion might center on any of the following topics:
a. The history of Kansas - how and why people migrated.
b. The crops raised.
c. How the drought affected the farmers.
d. The machinery and techniques used on the farms around the turn of the century.
3. Plan interview questions that might be asked of a modern farmer.
At the Fair
1. Visit as many of the animal exhibits as possible, including the Birthing Center, Milking Parlor, Livestock barns and Pride of Kansas Building. Collect information on farm animals.
2. Challenge students to find two or three new pieces of information about their animal.
3. Locate the exhibits and/or attend sessions on wheat, corn, and milo. Do a scavenger hunt on the major crops.
4. While walking through the barns talk with exhibitors about life on a modern farm. Have different students ask the classes planned questions.
After the Fair
1. The students will present the information gathered in an oral report to the class. The report will include information from the book and information gathered at the State Fair. Each student will develop a poster to enhance the oral presentation.
2. On the weekend after the field trip, keep a log of the products we use that contain wheat, corn or milo. Have students report the information from their logs in chart form.
3. As a follow-up activity, ask students to write a short story on what they think modern day farm life is like.
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